Microcontrollers and Processors/Integrated Circuits
Part Number: UPD78F0712MC-5A4-A
DERF ID #: UPD78F0712MC-5A4-A-1#
Manufacturer: Renesas
This part is in stock and is ready to ship, however web pricing is unavailable. Please call 845-790-9900 for a quote or send an RFQ through our “Request for Quote” tab.
Microcontroller, 8-Bit, FLASH, UPD78K0 CPU, 20MHz, CMOS, PDSO30
Microcontrollers and Processors/Integrated Circuits
Part Number: UPD78F0712MC-5A4-A
DERF ID #: UPD78F0712MC-5A4-A-1#
Manufacturer: Renesas